SULZ – Chet Sheldon Sulz


    Chet Sheldon Sulz
    Precious Son of Sheldon and Wanda Sulz
    June 3rd, 2008 – July 14th, 2008
    Our sweet, precious Chet,
    One can only imagine how much joy and happiness you brought to us, your Mommy and Daddy. We are blessed to have you as our son and thank God every day for the miracle you are to us. The doctors had forewarned us that we may never get a chance to know you but because you were such a tough little boy we got to spend 6 of the most amazing weeks of our lives with you. Your Mommy and Daddy loved every bit of that time. We loved getting to kiss you for the first time when you were 12 days old, we loved taking your temperature, and we loved washing your mouth when all those bubbles you blew soaked your lips in spit. We certainly know why all the nurses called you bubble boy! We loved changing your bum; you would be amazed at how excited Mommy and Daddy were to find that little yellow line had turned blue! The smell of fresh pampers will forever more remind us of you. We loved tickling your toes, massaging your feet, and man how we loved the feel of your little hands holding our fingers. We loved looking into your beautiful eyes for the first time when you were 9 days old and oh how we loved standing at your bedside for hours taking turns holding your soother in watching you kick and play. We loved reading you stories and knowing you knew our voices. Mommy and Daddy will never forget the feeling we had when you were 23 days old and we got the gift of holding you for the very first time. We stared at you for hours and hours Chet trying to etch every little thing about you in our memory. Everything from your cute button nose to your adorable little toes. We love you more than we could have ever thought possible Chet and because of that we knew we had to let you go, to a place were there was no more suffering. You were such a strong boy to put up such a long fight and Mommy and Daddy will forever be grateful for that. We will see you again one day our precious, little boy and until then we can rest easy knowing that we have our own Guardian Angel watching over us. God bless you Chet and don’t forget what we’ve told you over and over and over in the last 6 weeks. Mommy and Daddy love you soooo much!