County will help Duchess minor ball with shale costs


Brooks Bulletin

County council has agreed to provide $6,100 from municipal reserves to allow the Duchess Minor Ball Association to install shale in a pair of ball diamonds.
The county had previously used funds from the municipal reserve account to replace the shale in Rolling Hills.
“I think the benefit on this one is the volunteers are going to be doing the lion’s share of the work,” said CAO Matt Fenske.
Although some members of council would have liked to have had representatives of the committee present the request, councillor Neil Johnson didn’t believe that was necessary.
“I think it’s a pretty reasonable request. I’m totally in favour of $6,100,” he said.
Councillor Holly Johnson said she voted against the motion because she believed it was missing information and that the county gets requests for funding but not all information is available.
“We’re missing the quotes. We’re missing some of the financial information. I just need to see more information and more skin in the game about coming in and presenting to us,” she said.