Public hearing for land use change on Second St E.


Brooks Bulletin

The city will hold a public meeting on Feb. 18 for a land use amendment at Kellington Close and Second Street East.
Last week council gave first reading to allow for medium residential density development on the .36 acre parcel.
The property currently contains a 1940s era home that is about 960sq feet.
If approved, it would mean the potential development of between four and eight units.
The residential area currently includes many single family residential homes, medium density residences in Lu-Dor Estates, high density in Willowbrook Estates and multiple attached units along Garrow Crescent.
The complete development plans would be seen at the development permitting stage and are not necessary for a re-zoning application.
“The decision to re-zone should be based on the suitability of the site to align with the standards of that proposed land use district and related planning documents,” said Bailee Boulet, the city’s development control officer.