Grasslands seeks land for new school


Brooks Bulletin

Grasslands School Division has asked the city for property for a new school.
The school board is seeking the land as a future school site to construct an elementary school along 4th Avenue East. The parcel is 28688.65 square metres.
“This is going to be our number two priority on our upcoming capital plan. I see this being a few years out but (it) depends on growth within our city,” said Rhian Schroeder, assistant superintendant at Grasslands.
The city is expected to make their decision at the next committee meeting.
The fully serviced property is south of the French school and could provide an opportunity for the two schools to share outdoor park space.
Councillor Mohammed Idriss asked why the same property was not discussed when council was considering the new Christ the Redeemer school.
“Why wasn’t it presented to us when we were considering space for (the Catholic School)?,” he asked.
The question was not answered.
“I’m going to leave it there. I think that debate is over with. A good question, there but we’re not getting into another debate on this,” mayor John Petrie responded.
Councillor Marissa Wardrop said the old rodeo grounds, “was the only parcel we were aware of.”
City council was reportedly pressured during an in-camera meeting to give the 24-acre old rodeo grounds to the Catholic School. The property will not be subdivided.
“I just don’t want to rush into designating a site hastily without all the information, again,” Wardrop said.
She generally agreed that a letter of intent could be written.
If a decision is made to give the school board the property it is expected that the city will maintain control by designating it as a Municipal School Reserve until a final plan is available.
Gavin Scott, the city’s land planner, was asked if council could change their mind and give the property to someone else.
“If you begin down the road of making deals with others, it would be a question how much flack you want to take,” he said.
He said it could be done but working with the division another comparable property would have to be provided.
During the Catholic School public hearing Scott said schools are no longer being built in residential areas.
Last week councillor Joel Goodnough highlighted the fact that the proposed Grasslands site will be in a residential area.
“There’s some great benefits,” he said.