City to install a mural on fence in front of CPKC garage


Brooks Bulletin

Since CPKC has constructed its 20 foot high garage at the foot of Second Street West near city hall without a heads-up to the city, work has been underway to try and improve its look.
CPKC has provided the city with heritage photos so one can be chosen for a mural for which the city will have to pay for including the artist.
The photos included the original Brooks rail station, the Aqueduct, the CPKC 2816 steam locomotive and the Bassano Dam.
CP installed and will maintain the fence, trees and future flower bed but any costs associated with the creation, installation and maintenance of the art work will be the city’s responsibility, according to a document provided to council.
An access agreement will also have to be signed to allow the city to access CPKC’s property to install the art and maintain the area.
The art work can cost the city could between about $530 to upwards of $1,273.
The city will pay for the project through the BRZ project funds. The funds were set aside about four years ago in anticipation of purchasing the small CP property for a structure which is now a CPKC-owned garage.
The city will make a decision at a future meeting after considering an additional heritage photo.
Last August CPKC told the city they did not need to provide advanced warning of the project because municipalities have no jurisdiction over federal government projects and municipal bylaws are not applicable to activities which are integral to the operation of a federal undertaking.
The city was not very happy with the unneighbourly response and was later told by CP that the issue may have been mishandled.