City to amend CAO bylaw


Brooks Bulletin

City council committee tabled their discussion to amend the CAO’s bylaw due to the absence of CAO Chris Parker.
Some of the changes in the city’s bylaw are in part because they are part of the Municipal Government Act (MGA).
The bylaw includes updating the definition of CAO, removing duties and/or powers of the position already part of the MGA and updating references to the budget process with the current practice.
Instead of being directed by council to review and enter into agreements up to $50,000, it is proposed that the CAO will be able to enter into agreements and contracts that do not require council approval, such as retaining services relating to the operations of the city.
The CAO would be able to authorize cumulative over-expenditures within the operating or capital budgets and report those changes to council during the quarterly variance report.
The CAO would not require any elected official to be part of the hiring process when interviewing at the director’s level and the CAO would determine salary, etc within the budget after it has been adopted by council.
The organizational chart will no longer be authorized by the council but when changes are made it is to be presented to council for information only.
Council committee is expected to discuss the bylaw at the next meeting.