DORTCH, Richard Bruce (Dick)


    DORTCH, Richard Bruce (Dick)
    Dick was born on August 20, 1958 in France and crossed the black and white checkered flag peacefully in Arrowwood, AB. on September 3, 2019 at the age of 62 years.
    Dick had a very colorful and exciting life working all over the world. Oh, the stories he would tell!
    Russia and the Southern States were very special places for him.
    All things NASCAR were Dick’s passion, from being at Daytona to collecting any and everything NASCAR especially #88 (Go Jr.).
    In 2002 Dick moved to Arrowwood, AB. for work and resided there until his passing. There he acquired some very amazing friends. His big laugh and endless humor will be missed by all of his friends and family.
    On September 30, 2019 we will be celebrating Dick’s life at 2 pm at the Bassano Cemetery followed by refreshments and lots of reminiscing at the Elks Hall.