Tax hike unjustified


Editor, The Bulletin;
I have a hard time seeing how the city of Brooks can justify rising residential taxes by 5.75 per cent. In one paper they say they are giving 20 acres of prime land to the Catholic School and in another paper it says city council is taking a pay raise.
Instead of raising taxes—sell the land.
They have three or more bylaw officers driving around and on my walk I see at least five per cent of people never shovel snow off their sidewalks, people with cords across the sidewalk and tuckers using their Jake brake in the city at early hours of the morning.
Why don’t the city bylaw officers and police ticket these law breakers?
Instead of raising taxes, sell your land and have the bylaw officers and police do a better job.
I also think that seniors shouldn’t have to pay school tax once they start getting their old age pension.
Ben Karasek,
Brooks, Alta.