PETERSON – Jason Harvey Peterson


    PETERSON – Jason Harvey Peterson
    On July 10th Jason Peterson passed away after a courageous 15-years fighting a brain tumour. Jason was born on February 27, 1977 to parents Gordon and Mary Peterson of Tilley, Alberta. His schooling included Tilley School, Augustana University and Simon Fraser University where he completed a PhD in Behavioural Ecology. Jason continually ignored every timeline he was given by doctors and his positive attitude kept him alive much longer than any of us expected. We are grateful for the amazing care he received at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary and Saint Mary’s hospital in Camrose.
    Jason was always positive. With all he went through since his diagnosis in 2007, he never complained and was always worried about how his condition was affecting others, rather than feeling sorry for himself. He completed a triathlon in fall of 2020. Whether training for a triathlon or beating his fundraiser goals for the Canadian Brain Tumour Foundation, he always wanted more from himself.
    A memorial will be held on September 23 at 1:00 PM, at the Newell Sailing Club, in Kinbrook Island Park. Jason spent many happy hours sailing and windsurfing on Lake Newell with friends and family. Friends and acquaintances are welcome to attend. If you wish to make a memorial donation, they can be made to the Canadian Brain Tumour Foundation at the web address
    Jason is survived by daughter Ezri, and her mother Teri Lindquist, parents Gord and Mary Peterson, sister Karen Gallant (Dave), their children Carter and Lenox and special friend Jodi Allaway.
    Memorial Information
    Location: Newell Sailing Club at Kinbrook Island Park, on Lake Newell, 16 km (10 miles) south of Brooks, Alberta on Hwy 873.
    Program: Memorial begins at 1:00 PM, Saturday, September 23, spreading of the ashes at 2:00 PM. Jason stories (bring one along), If you are unable to attend and have a story you would like to share, please email to one of the addresses below. Mix and mingle and snacks.
    More information:
    Mary 250-937-2997,
    Gord 250-937-2666,

    Mary and Gordon Peterson